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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

La Bombe humaine

Eline Schumacher, Vincent Hennebicq

23.09 > 03.10.2021

In theory a new piece for the 20/21 season, La Bombe humaine has surfed on health constraints without ever losing its step. Although deprived like every production this year of a live audience, this work created meaning by setting up a very well-attended digital meeting with Adélaïde Charlier, François Gemenne and David Van Reybrouck, then a radio soap opera as part of the VOIX.E.S catalogue. As if, for once, the plow moved forward alone, waiting for the oxen… As if merely the shadow of a pertinent performance could mobilise minds and reflection.

Melting ice, acidification of the oceans, disappearance of animal and plant species… One word alone sums up the impact of man on the terrestrial ecosystem: anthropocene. The era of human activities which, under the yoke of capitalism, sacks the wealth of our planet.

With La Bombe humaine, Eline Schumacher and Vincent Hennebicq put climate change at the heart of the debate. They grapple with the subject in all its complexity, including the inconsistencies. Meeting with numerous scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, politicians and personalities pursuing alternative life projects, the two creators punctuate the subject with convulsions inspired by their own lives. To be a father, to be a woman, to project yourself into such a world… An incongruous dive into intimacy in the face of faltering humanity. A salutary breeze, that humorously avoids moralising or any Manichean pitfall. Finally, the original music by Marine Horbaczewski and Olivia Carrère marries subtly with the work, a true keystone of sound.


  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00

    Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show with "Imagine"

  • - 20:00
  • - 15:00

    Dimanche enfants admis

  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 15:00

    Dimanche enfants admis





Grande Salle




Eline Schumacher
Vincent Hennebicq

Vincent Hennebicq 

Olivia Carrère
Marine Horbaczewski

Akiko Tagawashi 

Scenography & light
Giacinto Caponio

Costumes design
Emilie Jonet

Eline Schumacher
Marine Horbaczewski
Olivia Carrère
Vincent Hennebicq
Aurélie Perret

Stage manager
Romain Gueudré

Light operator
Aurélie Perret

Sound operator
Simon Pirson alternating with Hubert Monroy

Stage manager
Lucas Hamblenne

Aurélie Curti
Jenifer Rodriguez y Flores

Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Production & sales management 
Catherine Hance
Aurélie Curti
Laetitia Noldé

Popi Jones asbl

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

With the support of
Delphine Houba, Échevine de la Culture de la Ville de Bruxelles 

© Céline Chariot
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024