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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Le Mystère du gant
Vaudeville à table

Roger Dupré
Léonard Berthet-Rivière 

16 > 24.09.2022
Comedy theater

A table-vaudeville – or almost. Four acts. Thirteen characters. One actor and one actress.

Le Mystère du gant (The Mystery of the glove) tells the story of Gérard Berni-Mollin’s vendetta against his rival Raymond Duchaussoy, the day Raymond came to kidnap his mistress, Inès Berni-Mollin, Gérard’s wife, while Frédéric, Raymond’s son, came to ask for the hand of Sophie, Gérard’s daughter, who is pregnant fit to burst. In the middle of this family story: Alexandrine the amnesiac maid, a two-sided cupboard, Chantal and Bernard Couchard, a doctor dressed as a bird, the commissioner of La Folie Titon, and Claude, an immigrant employee who gets shot at, loses an arm, gets shot again and dies. Many spectators will also perish during the performance.

Léonard Berthet-Rivière and Muriel Legrand revisit the art of vaudeville. They slalom between stage directions and surf on absurdity in a joyful and frenzied reading.

We dive with them into secrets of history as if into a frenetic score, animated by oral sound effects, mustaches and the most incredible reversals.

As Le Mystère du gant unfolds, the scale of the vaudeville explodes. In the end it goes far beyond a simple reading and attains to the rank of performance in its own right and gives vaudeville its letters of nobility.

We are happy that someone came to remind us of it.

Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Coproduction Théâtre de Liège


  • - 20:30
  • - 19:00
  • - 20:30
  • - 19:30

    Discussion after the show

  • - 14:00

    Afternoon performance

  • - 20:30

    Introduction · 20:00

  • - 14:00

    Afternoon performance

  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30







Salle Jacques Huisman


Writing, Direction
Léonard Berthet-Rivière

Muriel Legrand
Léonard Berthet-Rivière

Jérôme Souillot

Light Design
Christophe Van Hove

Music composition
Maxence Vandevelde

Élise Abraham

Textile production
Cathy Péraux
Eugénie Poste
Manon Bruffaerts
Marie Baudoin
Jérémy Sondeyker

Timber construction 
Marion De Gussem
Thomas Linthoudt
Dimitri Wauters

Special effects
Stéphanie Denoiseux

Fight choreographer
Émilie Guillaume

Direction assistant
Kalya Barras

Stage manager
Benoit Ausloos

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Théâtre de Liège

A partnership with
La Chaufferie-Acte 1

With the support of
de Le Corridor, Latitude 50 - Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue, L’Infini théâtre

Special thanks to
Toutes les équipes du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles ainsi que Patricia Alen, Mathias Anciaux, Pierre Bajyana Songa, Françoise Bloch, Ulysse Bossard, Quentin Chaveriat et La Ligue des Cyclistes, Manuel Chemla, Marianne Clair, Jean-Louis Colinet, Patrick Corillon, Fanny Cuvelier, Florence Dangotte, Delphine De Baere, Axel De Booseré et le Royal Festival de Spa, Marie Devroux, Nora Dolmans, Fanny Donckels, Justine Donnay, Marie Du Bled, Manon Dublanc, Jean-Paul Fréhisse, Marion Gabelle, Julie Gallifet, Florence Godart, Nathanaël Harcq et le Conservatoire Royal de Liège, Dominique Houcmant, Anne Jaspard, Valérie Kurevic, Benjamin Lichou, Anne-Marie Loop, Olivier Minet, Meryl Moens, Aurélie Molle, Olivier Parfondry, Nicolas Payet, Antoine Renard, Dominique Roodthooft, Dominique Serron, Françoise Sougné, Philippe Taszman, Léopold Terlinden, Damien Trapletti, Michel Van Slijpe, Vincent Verboogen et Marthe Wetzel.

© Noémie della Faille
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024