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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Les Particules élémentaires

Michel Houellebecq / Julien Gosselin - Cie Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur

05 > 09.12.2017

A discovery at the Avignon Festival in 2013, Julien Gosselin and most of his “band” of actors are from the same year (2009) at EPSAD, the school of dramatic art at the Théâtre du Nord (Lille).

Following in the footsteps of Stuart Seide and Antoine Vitez, as can be seen recently with Roberto Bolaño’s 2666, Julien Gosselin likes to adopt narrative theatre techniques to realise ensemblestyle adaptations of challenging, ambitiously long novels which are to all appearances unstageable.

His gamble has paid off with this saga by Michel Houellebecq: set against the backdrop of the second half of the 20th century comes the story of two half-brothers brought together and forced apart by everything: the legacy of 1968, rock and pop culture, their relationship to knowledge, the way they approach sex, love and women.

Two tragic fates torn between sordid swinging clubs and scientific Irish laboratories that specialise in cloning, between somewhat cheap literary sociology and a sciencefiction story which is both strange and disturbing.


  • - 19:00
  • - 19:00
  • - 19:00
  • - 19:00
  • - 19:00



3:50 (with intermission)






Les particules élémentaires
By Michel Houellebecq
Editions Flammarion (1998)   Adaptation & scenography

Julien Gosselin


Guillaume Bachelé


Pierre Martin


Julien Feryn


Nicolas Joubert


Caroline Tavernier


Joseph Drouet, Denis Eyriey, Antoine Ferron, Noémie Gantier, Carine Goron, Alexandre Lecroc-Lecerf, Caroline Mounier, Victoria Quesnel, Geraldine Roguez, Maxence Vandevelde

Regie assistant

Yann Lesvenan

Administration, production, diffusion

Eugenie Tesson


Emmanuel Mourmant

Administration assistant

Paul Lacour-Lebouvier



Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur


Si vous pouviez lécher mon cœur, Théâtre du Nord -Théâtre National Lille Tourcoing Région Nord Pas-de-Calais, Le Festival d’Avignon, Le Phénix de Valenciennes, La Rose des vents, Scène Nationale Lille Métropole - Villeneuve d’Ascq, Le Théâtre de Vanves et Le Mail, Scène Culturelle de Soissons.

With the support of

Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Hauts de France, du Conseil Régional Hauts de France, de la SACD Beaumarchais, du Conseil Général du Pas de Calais et de la Ville de Lille.

Si vous pouviez lécher mon coeur et Julien Gosselin sont associés au phénix scène nationale Valenciennes pôle européen de création. Au TNT - Théâtre National Toulouse et au Théâtre National de Strasbourg.

© Simon Gosselin

© Gloria Scorier