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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Le Signal du promeneur

Raoul Collectif

13 > 17.02.2024

Raoul Collectif’s first opus attempts to shed light on what the lives of people engaged in a radical struggle against their respective environments – and sometimes with society as a whole – might mean. These flights, these exiles, these (sometimes desperate and late) departures from conventional frameworks, from current values bear witness to a certain longing, a certain energy – but what exactly? 

On stage: a clearing where solitary walkers meet, carrying lanterns and individual wounds. And, gradually, figures inspired by real events and literature. These real or imaginary characters respond to society’s failures with a utopian project intended to bring about a metamorphosis of the world.

Coproduction Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Copresentation KVS, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles


  • - 20:15
  • - 19:15
  • - 20:15

    Introduction cancelled

  • - 20:15
  • - 19:15



fr, surtitrage nl


1hr 45mins


Grande salle


From and by
Raoul Collectif :
Romain David
Jérôme de Falloise
David Murgia
Benoît Piret
Jean-Baptiste Szézot

Direction assistant
Édith Bertholet

Outside view
Sarah Testa

Technical Director
Philippe Orivel

Costume Design
Natacha Belova

Sound design and operator
Julien Courroye

Light design
Philippe Orivel
Emmanuel Savini

Light operator
Philippe Orivel
Isabelle Derr

Management, production and touring 
Catherine Hance
Aurélie Curti
Laetitia Noldé

Raoul Collectif

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

With the help of
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, service du Théâtre, CAPT

With the support of
Groupov, maison de la culture de Tournai

Special thanks to
le Corridor, l’ESACT, le Festival de Liège, Théâtre & Publics, Zoo Théâtre

© Cici Olsson
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024