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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

CANCELLED - Les Vies en soi

Patrick Corillon, Le corridor

20.03 > 03.04.2020

Sitting at his table, the story teller turns the pages of his intimate sagas. In the manner of the Japanese benshi – narrators of silent movies – he manipulates objects, projects images, illustrates his stories of encounters and of his interior journeys.

A visual artist whose fame crosses borders, Patrick Corillon has created for himself a unique form of fiction by weaving together traditional oral narration forms (benshi, kamishibai, cantastories, etc). His journey-stories full of surprises, fed with anecdotes of his life, of his childhood, invite the spectator to open up to new reflections, starting at the tangible to soar towards the philosophic and the universal. An artist to (re)discover during five performances.

Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024