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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles


Morceaux de nature en ruine
Magrit Coulon

12 > 22.01.2022

A table, three chairs, a radio, an armchair, a piano. A common room: a space to be together, a space where you are alone. A sanitized and calm place, where we listen to the time passing, where we wait. Every now and then a voice emerges from the silence: one resident humming a song, another recounting a memory. How do you bring 90 years of existence into a 15m2 room? What do we see of the world from this kind of place, this enclosure where time seems to have a hold only on bodies?

At the intersection between fiction and documentary, Home is inspired by scenes that the team observed in a nursing home in Ixelles. The three young actors inhabit these aging bodies, make them incarnate, and give us back the disquieting strangeness that is unique to these places. They face the joys and tragedies of everyday life. What to do when the green plants turn into a pine forest, the storm tears down the walls, and there is no one to serve the next meal?

Plunging into this atmosphere and this particular temporality, Home allows us to (re)discover something of our own experience of old age.


  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30
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  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30

    Introduction - 20:00

  • - 20:00

    Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show

  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30





Salle Jacques Huisman




Avec les voix des résident·e·s du Home Malibran

Carole Adolff
Alice Borgers 
alternating with Anaïs Aouat
Tom Geels

Magrit Coulon

Bogdan Kikena

Collaboration in physical work
Natacha Nicora

Sound design
Olmo Missaglia

Light design
Elsa Chêne

Irma Morin

Sound operator
Barbara Juniot alternating with Jonathan Benquet

Light operator en Stage manager
Suzanna Bauer
Grégoire Tempels

Delphine Friquet
Meryl Moens

Festival de Liège, MoDul, Compagnie Wozu

Maison de la culture de Tournai / maison de création, Théâtre National Wallonie- Bruxelles

With help from
Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Service du Théâtre

With support from
l’INSAS, Fondation Marie-Paule Delvaux Godenne, L’Escaut Architecture, La Chaufferie- Acte1, La FACT, Le Théâtre des Doms, L’Ancre - Théâtre Royal, Le Bocal

Special thanks to
au personnel du Home Malibran, à Stéphane Olivier, Christine Grégoire, Michel Van Slijpe

© Hubert Amiel
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024