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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Festival des Mots à Défendre


Caroline Lamarche

10 > 13.03.2023

Put a touch of climate and social justice here, a bit of sisterhood there, add a story of beasts against the background of biodiversity. Suddenly you want to wander around in stations, singing at the top of your lungs and dancing on the tips of your toes to the instrumental and electroacoustic music. Here’s to an enthralling MàD, with planets and stars in your eyes!

A new festival which, for this first edition, takes place over two long weekends with the word as keystone. A literary, hybrid, poetic and engaged event which will find a home on the stage. Echoing the question Pourquoi nous battons-nous? (Why we fight) Caroline Lamarche is the guest speaker at this first weekend of the MàD.

Caroline Lamarche is a novelist, short-story writer, poet and columnist. And an author associated with the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles. She won the 2019 Prix Goncourt for short stories for her collection Nous sommes à la lisière, she is said to be quietly subversive.


A partnership with Master en Arts du Spectacle vivant / Université Libre de Bruxelles ; ULB Culture ;  Master en Interprétation du Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles ; DramaCité ; média Latitudes ; Maison des Sciences Humaines (MSH-ULB); Institut des Hautes Etudes de Belgique (IHEB) ; Passa Porta ; ICORN (International Cities Of Refuge Network) ; Midis de la Poésie ; Tulitu ; L’Arbre de Diane ; Librairie Météores ; Théâtre de Liège - Centre européen de création théâtrale et chorégraphique ; Café Congo.
With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

Two formulas to create your personalized program!
The festival Mots à Défendre offers six days of festival spread over two weekends.  Opt for the Abo 3 or Abo 5 and create your own experience through a rich and hybrid program.
Subscription 3 - 24 €
Subscription 5 - 35 €

* Subscriptions are nominative. They are valid for both weekends except for Les Cartographies de l'avenir, Liquides Lyriques + Spoken words & Queer and some workshops.

Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024